About Us

Wisdom Discovery

Welcome to Wisdom Discovery Center, where minds are transformed and lives are empowered through the transformative wisdom of Jesus Christ. Rooted in a common belief in our Savior and Lord, our fellowship, known as Wisdom Discovery Friends, is committed to Christian youth development across the diverse landscapes of Nigeria.

At Wisdom Discovery, we embrace the mantra 'A Better You Is Possible Even in Jesus,' embodying our dedication to individual and collective improvement. As WiseOnes, we harness the power of online platforms, leveraging social media advantages to unite in love and unity. Our fellowship is a dynamic blend of learning and practical application, where every willing participant is assigned tasks for personal growth, offering a unique opportunity for correction and instruction from our esteemed General Coordinator.

Pst Israel Abiodun
Pst Israel Abiodun
CEO & Founder
Wisdom Discovery Retreat & Trainings Wisdom Discovery Retreat & Trainings
Wisdom Discovery Retreat & Trainings
Our Vision

Envision a world where Christian youth, guided by Jesus' wisdom, embrace their potential. Be a global beacon, inspiring self-discovery and creativity, crafting a reality aligned with divine will for all.

Our Vision

Empower Christian minds for growth and community. Unveil inherent wisdom, fostering WiseOnes committed to positive impact and continuous improvement.

The Best of Professionals

Meet Our Team